Jehovah's Witnesses pedophile coverup

ALERT! Widespread CHILD ABUSE in the Jehovah Witness
Jehovah's Witnesses and their pedophile cover up. It started with the Catholic church,"other" religions must also be held accountable.
"Pedophiles-per-capita" among the Jehovah's Witnesses exceed the
Catholic church.
This is due to the The Jehovah Witness church elder enforced 'code of
silence'.A.K.A. the "two witness take-down",the absurd requirement of "TWO WITNESSES" to the crime of child rape!
The Watchtower's "two witness" rule is an over extension of the Biblical mandate @
2.Corn. 13:1 and is SELECTIVELY ENFORCED by the Jehovah's Witness Church Elders who play
favorites and fast and loose with the facts.
There is a Worldwide Problem of Child Abuse and Jehovah's Witnesses!
Is it Really a 'Pedophile Paradise' ?
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